The websites below are considered by us the most suitable substitutes for YouTube.
BitChute is the only YouTube substitute that is truly committed to protecting the freedom of expression. When other sites will silence you and moderate your content, BitChute will defend your right to say what you want, however unpopular your opinion might be. You will find there everything you will not find on other sites. That is why it is our number one recommendation if you want to be exposed to the widest range of views.
Rumble is probably the most popular alternative video platform. You will also find there many videos that were banned from YouTube and if you upload something it is likely to stay there. They do not seem to allow “grossly offensive” material, “racism” or “hatred”, which as we know is usually used as a loophole to remove content the platform provider does not like, but they seem to be lax with enforcing this. That is why we still recommend it.
Odysee is another popular and promising video-sharing website. Like Rumble it does have much more strict content moderation policies than BitChute, but you will still find a lot of good videos there. And it is build on blockchain, so in theory has the potential to be entirely censorship-free.